Second PDC4academy was amazing

21/02/2020 14:40

Donizete and partners learning about the A frame.

The UFSC Permaculture Study Group and UFV Architecture Department, were finalized the second permaculture design course directed for academic public. The first edition was performed in Florianópolis city on 2017 when it was certified 14 new professors as permaculturists.

This second edition was organized by Arthur Nanni (UFSC) and Josarlete Soares (UFV). The course was presented on 72 hours with participation of permaculturists Roberto Goulart (UFV), Luiza Valente (UFF) and Jefferson Mota (Igatu farm). In the current edition more 19 permies were certified, including professors, technical workers and postgraduate students.

Roberto Goulart teaching ecobuilding on DAU/UFV.

Focused on academics, the PDC is a basic permaculture training course where pedagogical and teaching, aiming to stimulate professors to spread and popularize permaculture in Brazil, through extension and teaching activities.

As results, the highlight was the inclusion of new colleagues into Brazilian Permaculture Study Group Network. This network congregates permaculture study groups and actions developed on academy environment. Furthermore, the network defined a series of new permaculture popularization initiatives, like the creation of undergraduate and graduate applied disciplines, development of projects evolving different universities, planning for new study groups development and the implementation of teaching materials, aiming the diffusion of permaculture philosophy in all education grades.

The Brazilian Permaculture Study Group Network is now building the next edition of PDC4academy expected for 2022 on Fluminense Federal University.

Tags: PDCCPP para academiaPDCPermacultura na academia

NEPerma and Igatu farm are presented in an Australian PDC

28/11/2017 23:30

Arthur Nanni talking about permaculture in southern Brazil.

NEPerma and Igatu farm have a shared history. The Igatu farm began its activities in 2011 to be a place for tests and experiments developing social technologies applied to permaculture management. Over time, the Igatu farm was adopted as an experimental laboratory to provide content to the “Introduction to permaculture” course, a subject offered since 2012 by the UFSC Geography undergraduate program.

Soon after, in 2013, the research and extension actions started by NEPerma adopted Igatu’s area as a demonstration space, offering for course participants a place to practice the knowledge learned in class.

Igatu’s history was told through a “Permaculture in Southern Brazil” lecture, that was presented in November as part of Permaculture Design Course (PDC), offered by The Food Forest learning centre, situated at Gawler, a city near to Adelaide in the state of South Australia. The permaculture learning centre is recognised as an exemplar of permaculture management with more than 30 years of the Brookman family’s experience.

In the lecture, the permaculturist/professor Arthur Nanni showed the strategies of permaculture planning in small farms in southern Brazil, considering low impact strategies under subtropical climates. Further, he gave a brief explanation about the use of open-source Geographical Information System tools in the permaculture management of small farms.

Graham Brookman, Arthur Nanni and Keri Chiveralls at The Food Forest learning centre.

The PDC offered by the Food Forest respects the international syllabus, that certifies participants as permaculturists, as does NEPerma at UFSC. The PDC had the participation of more than ten permaculture instructors. They presented in a rich and diverse way leading to a solid and practical understanding of permaculture. One of highlights was the presence of David Holmgren, permaculture co-creator with his vast knowledge of permaculture Worldwide.

Essay: Arthur Nanni

Review: Graham Brookman, Amie Anastasi

Tags: PDC

The voice of the wind

20/06/2016 16:23

NEPerma release the Brazilian portuguese subtitled version for La voz del viento documentary. After some months, the work coordinated by Morgana Mayer with support of Jorge Timmermann,  Arthur Nanni, Marcelo Venturi, Rodrigo Arruda,  Leticia dos Santos in the translation and subtitles synchronisation. The task had a layout adaptation made by Elisa Alcocer.

Jean-Luc Danneyrolles, farmer Provence and Carlos Pons, Spanish director, organized a trip to Grenada City to meet the emerging spanish social movement, alternating between agroecology and paradigm shift. They depart during February 2012 Siberian wave, with farmers’ seeds as only medium of exchange and wealth.

More information…

Tags: AudiovisualTradução

UFSC woodland recovery project

20/05/2016 15:53

Área do bosque junto ao CFH e CED.

Woodland and CFH location at UFSC.

The UFSC woodland has around 5ha and is one of the main green areas in Trindade campus. This place has relevant importance to life quality in the university whole socialising space. Its plant cover comprehends some degraded areas and forests in different successional stages. There are three streams conforming buffers of permanent protection along it.

The environmental regeneration project began at 2014 as a initiative of Philosophy and Humanity Sciences Centre (CFH) thought it Revitalisation Commission in association with Permaculture Study Group and UFSC Environmental Management. The major aim is to ally land degradation to food production though agroecosystems designed according to permaculture way.

The permaculture design was a fundamental stage, because could define energetic zones establishing different uses areas and plants to be inserted in the landscape. The zones definition take in consideration the pre-existent elements (tress, buildings, consolidated and circulation areas)  and distances from project focus (zone 0).


Planejamento por zonas energéticas da permacultura.

Planejamento por zonas energéticas da permacultura.

Zone 0 – Project focus

Located in the higher terrain in woodland. In this zone the project aim to construct a bioconstruction structure to welcome visitors, teaching actions, socialising,meetings and administrative activities.

Zone 1 – Food garden, didactic circuit, composting and earthworm

Near to zone 0, this zone will be  composed by a food garden designed by agroecology process, a didactic circuit with trail for environmental education and one earthworm space.

Zone 2 – Orchards

This zone will be composed by permaculture orchards with ecological interest fruit trees over current eucalyptus trees.

Zone 3 – Agroforestry

The multifunctional agroforestry will be the principal agroecological arrangement to restoration of riparian forest and permanent protection strip.

Zone 5 – socialising, inspiration and natural regeneration area

The areas chosen to be represent zone 5 are those already have consolidated and climax stage trees.

Nowadays, the project is active and it is performed by collective actions where the permaculture knowledges are shared.

To know more [in Portuguese]:

Tags: Educação ambientalProjeto Bosque