Students from 10 different undergraduate programs will experience permaculture in this semester
Publicado em 30/08/2016 às 06:04 PMThe 10ª edition of Introduction to permaculture was searched for 90 people from 23 UFSC undergraduate programs and external. This people have tried to occupy one of 20 vacancies.
After to prioritise Geography and Biology students, the remaining vacancies was filled by the substitutive students list.
An eclectic composition it is always need for different ways to thinking occurs. This procedure enrich the learning process and the interchange of a diversity knowledges is essential for permaculturists certification. This is the compromise of 11 permaculture instructors up to the end of semester.
Seven UFSC external people hasn’t obtain a vacancy, because Introduction to Permaculture is a discipline and not a extension project.
The Introduction to Permaculture is a Permaculture studies group initiative and it is linked with Geography and Biological Sciences undergraduate programs at UFSC.
The 9ª class of certified permaculturists is here
Publicado em 11/07/2016 às 11:16 PMThe 9ª edition of Introduction to permaculture discipline have certified more 20 permaculturists. NEPerma has formed a total of 173 permaculturists since 2012. This class, as well as previous editions, was composed by a diversity of students from different graduate programs, among them, biology, design agronomy, geography, medicine and others. Thus, NEPerma confirms its compromise to put into practice the multidisciplinary faces of permaculture at UFSC.
The final permaculture plan developed by these class students consisted in a familiar small farm in São Pedro de Alcântara, a small city distant 32km from Florianópolis. The classmates were divided into three groups and brought a lot of new ideas.
The introduction to permaculture discipline is offered semiannually by Permaculture Research Group (NEPerma).
The voice of the wind
Publicado em 20/06/2016 às 04:23 PMNEPerma release the Brazilian portuguese subtitled version for La voz del viento documentary. After some months, the work coordinated by Morgana Mayer with support of Jorge Timmermann, Arthur Nanni, Marcelo Venturi, Rodrigo Arruda, Leticia dos Santos in the translation and subtitles synchronisation. The task had a layout adaptation made by Elisa Alcocer.
Jean-Luc Danneyrolles, farmer Provence and Carlos Pons, Spanish director, organized a trip to Grenada City to meet the emerging spanish social movement, alternating between agroecology and paradigm shift. They depart during February 2012 Siberian wave, with farmers’ seeds as only medium of exchange and wealth.
UFSC woodland recovery project
Publicado em 20/05/2016 às 03:53 PMThe UFSC woodland has around 5ha and is one of the main green areas in Trindade campus. This place has relevant importance to life quality in the university whole socialising space. Its plant cover comprehends some degraded areas and forests in different successional stages. There are three streams conforming buffers of permanent protection along it.
The environmental regeneration project began at 2014 as a initiative of Philosophy and Humanity Sciences Centre (CFH) thought it Revitalisation Commission in association with Permaculture Study Group and UFSC Environmental Management. The major aim is to ally land degradation to food production though agroecosystems designed according to permaculture way.
The permaculture design was a fundamental stage, because could define energetic zones establishing different uses areas and plants to be inserted in the landscape. The zones definition take in consideration the pre-existent elements (tress, buildings, consolidated and circulation areas) and distances from project focus (zone 0).
Zone 0 – Project focus
Located in the higher terrain in woodland. In this zone the project aim to construct a bioconstruction structure to welcome visitors, teaching actions, socialising,meetings and administrative activities.
Zone 1 – Food garden, didactic circuit, composting and earthworm
Near to zone 0, this zone will be composed by a food garden designed by agroecology process, a didactic circuit with trail for environmental education and one earthworm space.
Zone 2 – Orchards
This zone will be composed by permaculture orchards with ecological interest fruit trees over current eucalyptus trees.
Zone 3 – Agroforestry
The multifunctional agroforestry will be the principal agroecological arrangement to restoration of riparian forest and permanent protection strip.
Zone 5 – socialising, inspiration and natural regeneration area
The areas chosen to be represent zone 5 are those already have consolidated and climax stage trees.
Nowadays, the project is active and it is performed by collective actions where the permaculture knowledges are shared.
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