NEPerma UFSC participation in IPC14

Presentation of results on the construction of permaculture in Brazilian academia.
The International Permaculture Convergence is a hybrid event, held biannually, which includes conferences and the convergence between people who practice permaculture.
The IPC14 had the massive presence of permaculturists representing the Abya Yala peoples, such as the Guarani, representing the originally people and permaculturists from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In smaller number, participants from the USA and Italy.
The event was a good opportunity to learn about other global initiatives promoted by the international movement, including the representativeness of the peoples of Abya Yala showing the diversity of permacultures developed in Latin America.
Arthur Nanni (NEPerma/UFSC), presented the lecture “Building permaculture in the Brazilian academy”, which addressed the progress of NEPerma/UFSC and the NEPerma Network Brazil, showing the actions developed aiming the popularization of permaculture in the Brazilian territory and for Portuguese-speaking countries.

Arthur, Antonio, Anna, and Alessandro. Permaculturists who work for the insertion of permaculture in academia.
Another important topic discussed involves the creation of paths for the insertion of permaculture in academia, with other international partners who are in the same objective, such as Anna Bartoli and Alessandro Villella , both from Italian Accademia of Permaculture and Antonio Morreti, professor at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Delta in Argentina.
Permaculture already has a degree course in Mexico and is present in postgraduate programs, such as Specialization in permaculture, offered at UFSC. Debates on the agenda focused on the development of a unified minimum curriculum for the Abya Yala countries, also seeking to represent our actions in the global academic scenario.