11ª class of certified permaculturists

New permaculturists: Vinícius, Bernardo, Henrique, Danillo, Caroline, Elisa, Susana, Juceli, Grazianne, João Vitor, Lara, Larissa e Joice. Marcos Isao e Felipe not registered in this photo.
The Permaculture Study Group (NEPerma) have finished it semiannual Permaculture Design Course and certified the 11ª class of permaculturists through the discipline “Introduction to Permaculture. Since the begin of activities of permaculture at UFSC, NEPerma have certified more than 200 permaculturists.
These new permaculturists had the opportunity to learn and share knowledges into 90hours of PDC, coordinated by permaculturist and Prof. Arno Blankensteyn. More 12 instructors permaculturists have participated of this NEPerma’s PDC edition.
The next edition of NEPerma’s PDC will occurs in the winter vacation period and, aim to share permaculture knowledge for Federal Universities’ professors, to purpose one permaculture undergraduate program at UFSC and build a network of permaculturists acting in professional teaching.